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Calculate Cubic Yards for a Rectangular Area

Example: 12' length x 14' width x 4" depth = 2.07 cubic yards
Formula: (Length in feet x Width in feet x Depth in feet) / 27
Calculate Cubic Yards for a Circular Area

Example: 12' radius x 6" depth = 8.38 cubic yards
Formula: ( 3.1416 x (Radius x Radius) x Depth in feet ) / 27
Calculate Cubic Yards for a Triangular Area

Example: 12' length x 14' width x 4" depth = 1.04 cubic yards
Formula: ((Length in feet / 2) x Width in feet x Depth in feet) / 27

Use one or more of these calculators to determine the number of cubic yards needed.

To use these calculators, simply enter the length and width (or radius), in feet, as well as the depth, in inches, and click the "Calculate" button.

Notes and Recommendations

  • Be sure to account for settling, 1/3 of topsoil will settle
  • To top dress your existing lawn area, calculate 1" depth.
  • To fill a vegetable garden, calculate 8-12" depth.
  • For new home seed lawn, calculate 4-6" depth.
  • For new home sodded lawn, calculate 3-5" depth.
  • For raised planting, calculate 12-18" depth.
  • To calculate odd or complex shapes, split the area into combinations of rectangles, triangles and/or circles. Drawing the site on graph paper is recommended.
  • Contact us for assistance.
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